The Space In-Between

The space between endings and beginnings. 

Sometimes it’s just a moment. A breath of time. A flutter really. Something barely acknowledged. We’re off and running with the next step forward. 

Other times the space in between feels like you’ve just walked off the edge into the unknown. You may wonder, will it be days, weeks, months, even years before the way feels clear again and the new beginning has begun.

Our comfort level with this in between varies from person to person. Where are you on the spectrum? Do you hustle, leap, jump, run to the next beginning as quickly as you can to avoid the in-between, always on a mad pursuit? On the other side of the coin, do you sink into the abyss of inaction more than is actually healthy? Possibly you are somewhere along the spectrum depending on how potent the ending is.

I’m curious about this today. Personally, and collectively, we are experiencing many endings of the way things were, or appeared to be before Covid-19. There are new beginnings happening as well. 

Sometimes all we can do is keep the faith of the new beginning and begin to step towards it. We can use the tools, practices, and grandmother’s wisdom as a net while we live in the in-between.

The beautiful basics of sleep, movement, hydration, nourishment, and stillness are a must in this liminal space and not to be discounted as “the obvious.” I would add, daily doses of creativity. I believe self-care and creativity support each other in an on-going dynamic process. 

For many these basic human needs for surviving and thriving are not a given. I believe we can change this one person, one community at a time. I have worked with many creative souls to replenish themselves by getting back to the basics. It’s life changing really. Find out more about my Live Your True Nature coaching sessions at or send me an email:

My moon practice guides me along the natural ebbs and flows, the expansion and contraction, the never ending cycle of endings and beginnings. Following the phases of the moon to understand myself and my creative cycles has helped me “turn and face the change” (Bowie) time and again. I have used #themoonismycalendar moon calendar for the last three years both personally and to facilitate a year long moon group. If this speaks to you email me for more information or visit my website

My tarot practice is an on-going conversation showing me where my creative growth edges are and encouraging me to meet those edges authentically. I use different decks (voices) to communicate with my inner creative knowing and to explore my relationship with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual world. Sometimes deep and sometimes practical, this practice always feels magical and creative. I teach people how to begin a creative tarot practice for themselves with my Tarot Study Series. A new 5-class series will begin on June 6th. You can also sign up for individual classes.

From a recent graduate, "you have been the breath of fresh fire, the spark of inspiration, the giver of confidence to my practice. I now approach a daily practice with total confidence, and I believe not only in my power with the tarot but in my power overall." 

That vibrant, powerful, creative, authentic life-force energy is what I’m here to encourage in others. 

There are times when we feel disoriented, disconnected, or just within reach (but not quite) of our spark. Especially when in the liminal spaces, the in-betweens. It’s OK. It’s a potent time. Disintegration leads to re-emergence. Endings become beginnings. How will you support yourself in your transformation?